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LEONIA, NEW JERSEY 07605  (201) 944-5799   Cell (201) 446-2652

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            1964-1968                   THE PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF ART

                                                (Now the University of the Arts)

                                                Broad and Pine Sts. Philadelphia, PA.

                                                B.F.A. IN SCULPTURE


            1962-1963                   THE NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH

                                                New York, New York



            1962-1963                   THE ART STUDENT’S LEAGUE, New York, N.Y.





                       2015-2016                    Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY

                                                            Two pieces. “Bear Mountain Bridge” and

                                                            “Blue Light” on loan.


                       2015                             “CURRENT” Two person show at Boscobel

                                                            Museum and Gardens, Garrison, NY.                                                                                    Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the                                                                        Garrison Art Center.


                       2012                             Design and Installation of a Memorial to: Fallen

                                                            Bergen County Police and Fire Fighters in 911.                                                               Bergen   County Police and Fire Academy

                                                            Mahwah, NJ


                       2009….                        David and Erica Boyd Sculpture Park, Leonia

                                                            New Jersey.  On going loan of two works.


                       2004-05                        “SCULPTURE IN THE PARK” Rockland                                                                         Center for the Arts, West Nyack New York


                       2002                             “GIL HAWKINS AT THE PUFFIN” One man show

                                                            at the Puffin Cultural Forum Teaneck NJ.    

                                                            Catalogue available


                       2002                             "WINDSPIRITS" New Mobiles, Open Studio

                                                            "Highlands" Leonia, NJ



                       2000 -01-02                  “RITTENHOUSE SQUARE FINE ARTS ANNUAL”

                                                            Philadelphia, PA


                       1999                             “UNUSUAL LANDSCAPES”

                                                            Rowan University, Glassborough, N.J.


                       1999                             “RITTENHOUSE SQUARE FINE ARTS ANNUAL”

                                                            Philadelphia, PA

                                                            First Place Award in Sculpture


                       1998                             THE BRUCE MUSEUM 

                                                            17th Outdoor Arts Festival

                                                            Greenwich CT.


                       1998-1999                    DELAWARE MUSEUM

                                                            Spirit of Art Festival

                                                            Greenville, DE


                       1998-1999                    LOVELADIES ART CENTER

                                                            Fine Arts and Crafts Festival

                                                            Loveladies, Long Beach Island, NJ


                       1998                             “RITTENHOUSE SQUARE FINE ARTS ANNUAL”

                                                            Philadelphia, PA


                       1992                             “NATIONAL SMALL WORKS SHOW”

                                                            Pieces under 12 inches. Montclair State

                                                            College, Upper Montclair , N.J.


                       1987-1994                    THE STAMFORD MUSEUM AND NATURE                                                                         CENTER

                                                            Stamford, CT., Pieces on loan by prominent



                       1990                             “NEW FACULTY WORKS AT PACE”

                                                            Faculty exhibit


                       1984                             “GILBERT HAWKINS SCULPTURE AT

                                                            CHAPPAQUA” A one man show,

                                                            Chappaqua Public Library, Chappaqua, N.Y.


                       1981                             “GILBERT HAWKINS SCULPTURE AT PACE”

                                                            Pace University, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.


                       1978-1979                    “THE WARDS ISLAND SHOW’

                                                            The Organization of Independent Artists

                                                            Wards Island, N.Y.


                       1977                             “FORMS IN FOCUS”

                                                            CO-OP City, New York, N.Y.


                       1976                             “12 Pieces”A one man show

                                                            Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, N.Y


                       NOTE:                          Exhibitions prior to 1976 see Addendum






                                    “KITTATINNY RIDGE” Collins/Coyne Collection

                                    Leonia, N.J.


                                    “UNTITLED MOBILE” Rosenstein Family Collection

                                    Teaneck, N.J.


                                    “UPPER VOLTA LANDSCAPE” The Puffin Cultural Forum

                                    Teaneck, N.J.


                                    “OGDEN’S VIEW’ Ralph E. Ogden

                                    Mountainville, N.Y.


                                    “LE ROI” Ralph E. Ogden

                                    Mountainville, N.Y.


                                    “BLUE MOON” Storm King Art Center

                                    Mountainville, N.Y.


                                    “FOUR POLES AND LIGHT” Storm King Art Center

                                    Mountainville, N.Y.


                                    “EX”   Storm King Art Center

                                    Mountainville, N.Y.


                                    “THE SKY IS FALLING” Mr. Edward Pailey

                                    Upper Saddle River, N.J.


                                    “MOON AND LAKE” Mrs. Ruth Spelke

                                    Stamford, CT.


                                    “TWO LIFE SIZED FIGURES” Ms. Gloria Gardner

                                    New York, N.Y.


                                    “SCULPTURE at NEWARK AIRPORT“ winner of a competition for 

                                    a 65 foot sculpture at the airport. Sponsored by the N.Y.- N.J. Port

                                    Authority. Matching NEA funds cut...thanks! Pres. Reagan.

                                    "The Great Communicator"


                                    “UNTITLED” Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Rolat

                                    Alpine, N.J.


                                    “SUE’S PIECE” Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zuch

                                    Alpine, N.J.





            2006…                        BOROUGH OF LEONIA, Leonia, New Jersey



            2006…                        OVERPECK PRESERVE INC. Leonia, New Jersey

                                                Founder / Executive Director


            2005-06                       NEW JERSEY MEADOWLANDS COMMISSION

                                                Lyndhurst, New Jersey Artist In Residence



            1995-1998                   THE ELISABETH MORROW SCHOOL

                                                Lydecker St., Englewood, N.J.

                                                Resident Naturalist, Fourth grade science


            1980-1996                   PACE UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS

                                                Bedford Rd, Pleasantville, N.Y.

                                                Adjunct Associate Professor, Sculpture/Drawing/Design


            1988-1990                   NEW YORK UNIVERSITY

                                                New York, New York

                                                Adjunct Associate Professor, Fine Art/Sculpture


            1978-1980                   THE OLD CHURCH CULTURAL CENTER

                                                Demarest, New Jersey

                                                Director, PROJECT INTERACTION

                                                An artists outreach program for senior citizens and

                                                school groups


            1974-1976                   SARAH LAWRENCE COLLEGE, FINE ARTS

                                                Bronxville, New York,  Guest  Sculptor


            1972-1974                   FAIRLEIGH DICKENSON UNIVERSITY,

                                                Teaneck, New Jersey, Fine Arts/Sculpture           


            1971-1974                   DWIGHT MORROW HIGH SCHOOL

                                                Englewood, New Jersey, Guest Artist


            1969-1971                   THE PEACE CORPS

                                                Ouagadougou, Upper Volta, Arts Consultant


            1968-1969                   DEER PARK HIGH SCHOOL

                                                Deer Park, N.Y.  Industrial Arts/Metal Shop






            1987-1994...                 DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION,                                                              "HIGHLANDS"  self  built 2,000 sq. ft. Dutch                                                              Colonial/Contemporary Famil Residence/Studio Leonia,

                                                 New Jersey            








            1976                              “12 PIECES” One man show, Sarah Lawrrence College                                                   Bronxville, N.Y.


            1976                              Cheltenham Art Center Show, The Upper Dublin                                                               Township, PA..


            1976                              Rockland County Artists, The Rockland County

                                                  Art Center, West Nyack, N.Y.


            1973                              “SCULPTURE IN THE FIELDS” Storm King Art

                                                  Center, Mountainville, N.Y.’’


            1973                              Sculpture in the Park, Van Saun Park #2

                                                  Paramus, N.J.


            1972                              “OUTDOOR SCULPTURE INDOORS” Storm King

                                                  Art Center, Mountainville, N.Y.


            1972                              Discovery Show, The New Jersey State Council

                                                  on the Arts,  Trenton, N.J.


            1972                              The Trenton Annual, Trenton, N.J.


            1971                              The Van Saun Sculpture Show #1, Paramus, N.J.


            1971                              The Bergen Mall Sculpture Show, Paramus, N.J.


            1971                              The Silvermine Annual New England Show,

                                                          Silvermine, CT.


              1971                              The Jersey City Annual, Jersey City, N.J.


            1971                              The Art Center of Northern New Jersey, Tenafly, N.J.


            1970                              The Westchester County Annual, Tarrytown,N.Y.

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